
We would like to give a big thank you to all the officers and crew of the James Cook for all their support during JC048. Without your offshore expertise and willingness to help the cruise would not have been the success it was. Furthermore we are very grateful to all the technical support provided by everyone involved from National Marine Facilities. During the cruise we relyed on a variety of sampling equipment and without the technical knowledge and support provided we would never have had the same success with the equipment deployed. Invertebrate specimens in excellent condition were collected from the deep waters of the Atlantic Ocean and these successful collections were solely down to the skilled operators of the ROV Isis. We are grateful to our colleagues at the Ocean Sciences Centre, Memorial University for helping to address some pre-cruise logistical issues. We were provided with daily satellite weather reports from our ECOMAR partners at the Plymouth Marine Laboratory and these reports proved invaluable for day to day science planning. Finally we would like to thank the UK Natural Environment Research Council for funding ECOMAR and JC048.

On behalf of all scientist involved in JC048 we would like to state how very grateful we are to everyone who contributed to the success of the cruise.


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